Commercial First Aired: 2013
Commercial Last Aired: 2014
Voice Roles[]
Early Version:
Narrator: When you have a cough, you can't perform it your best
Mr. Mucus: OK coughers, are you ready to kick up a storm, give me a C for cough
Narrator: So, when mucus causes your cough, you need maximum strength Mucinex DM, with two maximum strength medicines, it breaks up mucus a quiets coughing
Mr. Mucus: Session is over
Narrator: Kick out the cause, quiet the cough, and kick up a storm, maximum strength Mucinex DM
Mr. Mucus: Woah
Narrator: Mucinex in, Mucus out
Late Version:
Narrator: When you have a cough, you can't perform it your best #BlameMucus
Mr. Mucus: OK coughers, are you ready to kick up a storm, give me a C for cough
Narrator: So, when mucus causes your cough, you need maximum strength Mucinex DM, with two maximum strength medicines, it breaks up mucus a quiets coughing
Mr. Mucus: Session is over
Narrator: Kick out the cause, quiet the cough, and kick up a storm, maximum strength Mucinex DM
Mr. Mucus: Woah
Narrator: Mucinex in, Mucus out