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Zack Athemar Rosemond is the main protagonist of the official Zack series who is created by the original creator of the series under Zack's name. Zack made his first appearance in the first episode of the series on GoAnimate, "Zack gets in trouble at school," and made his final appearance (chronologically) in 2019 with "Zack And Kelly Get Married And Have A Child." He is the twin brother of Zara. He has a girlfriend named Kelly and has a few friends at school. He was not a respected student by teachers. He even had abusive parents. His arch-enemy was Derek who is the official school bully.

History (TO BE UPDATED)[]


Zack Athemar Rosemond was born on February 11, 1997. His mother was a Starbucks coffee maker and his dad, Steven, was a well-known basketball player in his town. When Zack was born, he enjoyed his life with his family and loved them so much. But it was until a few months after his 3rd birthday, Zack's mother found out his dad was responsible for the recent murders that happened in town for the past years before Zack was even born. Zack's mother kicked Zack's dad out of the house instead of reporting him to the police. Zack started school and found it easy. He meets some new friends and a few neighbors in his street.

For 3 years, Zack was getting used to school and knowing that his dad was a psychopathic murderer left to wander the streets of the town... or so he and his mother thought! One day, when Zack was 6, Zack's dad made an unexpected visit to his house, foolish of his mother not to have reported him to police due to it resulting in her death! Zack's dad came walking in with a combat knife, saying to Zack's mother, "come here!" Zack's mother's last words were, "OH MY GOD!!!" Zack's dad stabbed her in the abdomen, then up to the right arm, and finally up the jaw right in front of Zack. At that moment, due to the window being open neighbors heard Zack's mother's screams and Zack's crying, they came running out and to the house. Zack's dad knew he was gonna be found out and be put in jail for longer then 30 years or even sentenced to death, so he committed suicide. He quickly stabbed himself in the leg and screamed in pain in front of his son. He said, "I'm sorry, Zack, please, look for Diesel!" He then to put himself out of his misery. He stabs himself in the stomach, slowly bleeds to death,... and dies.

After his mother's recent death by his psychopathic dad (who is also dead), Zack was set up for adoption, living within the orphanage for the rest of his life. Over there, he met who would turn out to be his lost twin sister (Zara) and a friend of hers (Shakira), both of whom he developed a strong bond with. Zack, throughout the years living in the orphanage, remembered those words his dad said to him "look for Diesel". When he was 9, Zack snuck out of the orphanage at night to find help, leaving behind every kid and went to his abandoned home. When Zack was in the living room, he found a random copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on an Xbox 360 under the couch and played it for a while. Zack was sure to find some clues of who this Diesel person is. Sure enough, after joining the Dark Brotherhood, Zack's dad must have left something around really hidden so the police or house company could find it.

After hours of searching, Zack discovered a piece of hanging-out wallpaper in his parent's room. After he managed to pull the wallpaper, he found a letter. Inside the letter, it had 8 small notes badly drawn and written. It involved a dead body and 11 candles. Zack thought to himself, "This has to do something with what my father was part of." Zack was in luck because there was some candles and a lighter behind the wallpaper along with the letter and there seemed to be a clear skull with ribs. Zack performed what was on the sheets and waited for a few days until a guy in black robes came in the house. The man explained himself as Diesel.

He and his wife, Kimberly, worked with Zack's dad for a murdering ritual known as the Dark Brotherhood. Zack tells Diesel about the abuse orphanage owner and requests him to kill him. After killing the orphanage owner and finding out that Zack's real parents are dead, Diesel and his wife decided to stop being assassins and begin a new and normal life. They adopted Zack and took him with them to his new home. Zack enjoyed the new life for several years, until one day, a kid named Derek moved in from another country. Derek is a nemesis to everyone as he became the school bully and became friends with Hassan. Zack is his #1 target, seeing as Zack always thought back at Derek the most out of everyone. Due to this, Zack got a lot of naughty reports from the school, and was grounded a lot by his parents. His relationship with his parents and the school was running down. And he would lose Shakira due to Derek's sheer manipulation, leaving him with only a few trusted ones. This is when the grounded series began with the episode, "Zack gets in trouble at school."


Zack would get in trouble at school in December 11, 2011, when he disrupts class over a book that Derek (who also gets in trouble) tore a page out of. The two would eventually get in trouble again in Mr. Stooge's class

Many days later, Zack would borrow some money from Diesel without asking. He asked his dad to get donuts and a diet coke and was grounded on the spot, seeing as Diesel and Kimberly were saving on the iPad 2. Having had enough of his parents grounding him, he decided to run away from home.

He would throw a Christmas party with his folks while grounded and while his parents were watching Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One in theaters.

A few days later, Derek and Zack would go out together to play some games, despite Zack being grounded for running away. Then Derek tricks him and shows that it is a disco. The police catch them in the act and they scram for their homes.

Zack was at one point a little wishing of having a girlfriend. Fortunately, for Derek, he was able to point to a girl named Kelly. Zack initially asked her out upon first meeting her but was invited to a party after school. He was so endeared by Kelly that he dreamed about the two being together during class, which he got detention for. He speaks to Derek and Hassan, asking what Kelly would say if he never made it. Hassan backs up on this and suggests skipping detention to go there. And so he does. But as a consequence, his dad grounded him, telling him no girlfriends forever. Zack reacted badly to this to where he would end up talking smack to both Kelly and Emma. With instant regret, he attempts to hide but instead got another detention specifically for that and not for making it to class. He was grounded again for a long time but can be grounded for a week if he apologized to the girls. He attempts to but they ignored him. The next week, Kelly and Emma came by to say hello, giving Zack the opportunity to apologize again. The two forgive him for his actions. Zack also asks Kelly out on a date, which she agrees to. Zack's grounding time decreased to a week, though Zack himself realized that it would interfere with their date. He went there anyway.

Zack became notable for many trouble making acts and accidents, some of which he would be punished for. Amongst that, he would be a victim to the trouble making acts of Derek Watson.

When it came down to Zack's 15th birthday, the party was not going to happen given that he is grounded despite Zack having brought out the invitations. Every one of his folks come over to celebrate, infuriating his parents. Diesel warns that the party would get destroyed and he would be grounded for a month. They celebrate it and enjoy what is there until it became a disaster. Zack would notice this and openly admit that they were right. Kimberly awards Zack a grounding time of a single day only.

Zack would end up having a nightmare of Freddy Krueger killing his family and hunting him down.

Unfortunately, for Zack, his non-troublemaking days were cut short.

Derek and Hassan framed Zack in saying mean things toward Mr. Alan, who is the school bus advisor. He would get thrown off the bus. A day later, Zack would create a YouTube account while grounded. The next day, Zack would get late for the tenth time, resulting to a punishment that other troublemakers got: getting held back from year 10 to nursery and getting expelled. A day or two later, while his parents were attempting to get Zack back in the school, Zack ran out of the house to visit a magician...curious to know why he constantly gets grounded for everything he does (even stupid accidents). And it turns out that before they became Dark Brotherhood assassins, they were abused in a similar way by their parents and thought it would be appropriate to do it to him and Zara. Just before Zack would drop this secret to Zack, Diesel and Kimberly smacked him.

After Zack managed to get back into Comp School, Derek greets him with a beating.

Zack tells his dad about this and is called out for not getting any revenge. Diesel signed Zack up for karate hoping he would learn to fight back whenever it is needed.

A couple days later, Zack would go to McDonalds to get a coke and a cheeseburger, but ended up having 100 burgers, a fries and a coke. Derek, who works at McDonalds, warned Zack in his edgy fashion that he will get fat and made fun of if he ate all that food. Zack ate the food anyway and immediately got fat and grounded by his parents. The next day, he got made fun of at school and called an "asshole" by Hassan's father. The next day, he would die in the hospital of a heart disease to Zara's dismay. But those events would be erased.

During the weekend, Zack would invite Kelly to his house to hang around and do some fun stuff.
